
Belinda Crowhurst

Belinda Crowhurst
Belinda has worked in Senior Leadership roles for the past 5 years following a 16 year career as an outstanding primary teacher and English subject lead. She took on the role of Associate School Leader at Reach South Academy Trust in 2019 where she supported strategic school improvement across 14 schools in Plymouth and Bournemouth.

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Specialising in English, Early Reading and Phonics, she worked with Senior and Middle Leaders to strengthen the quality of education and leadership and undertook a key role in preparing schools for inspection. One of her most notable successes was reviewing schools’ approaches to the teaching of reading, implementing an explicit approach to the daily teaching of reading in every school which focused on improving comprehension, fluency and automaticity. She also led all her schools in enhancing the quality of their early reading provision, working alongside the local DfE Hub to train teaching and support staff, support reading leaders to monitor progress and improve fidelity to their chosen SSP. Over the course of 2 years, her work significantly improved the end of key stage outcomes in reading and the Phonics Screening Check in all of her schools. She supported 5 schools to secure favourable outcomes during inspection through support prior to and during the Deep Dive process in a range of subjects.
During her teaching career, Belinda worked as an English Subject Lead, English Advisor for Plymouth Local Authority, an SLE and an Every Child a Writer Lead Teacher - her outreach work across the Primary sector facilitating improvements in the provision of robust approaches to delivering reading, phonics and writing instruction and Greater Depth writing – all of which contributed to improved pupil outcomes. In her recent capacity as a Consultant, she has gone on to support school improvement in primary school settings across the country, securing success in improving the capacity of Middle Leaders to lead their subjects. She deploys a thorough and focused approach to diagnosing the key issues using a range of evidence, implementing effective strategies and then evaluating systems and processes. She remains keenly aware of the bespoke needs of each of the settings she works in.
Belinda has developed her school improvement work to include a focus on metacognition and pupil motivation - empowering pupils to become ‘assessment capable’ and working with schools to develop their use of effective feedback and assessment to improve pupil progress. She delivered virtual workshops on Visible Learning and Feedback at both the 2021 and 2022 World Education Summit and continues to provide focused support to schools in using evidence-based approaches to maximise achievement.
Reviewing school effectiveness is a key part of Belinda’s work and the support she provides to schools is varied. She works with senior leadership teams, hubs, and with individuals to support accurate self-evaluation, develop effective monitoring systems, identify key areas of focus which she then addresses. She coaches teachers and middle leaders, delivers bespoke training to schools and Trusts and has worked extensively with schools and MATs to review their curricula in order to meet the needs of learners. The knowledge and experience she has gained through her work with the Local Authority, the National Literacy Trust, the DfE Phonics hub, ECM and Osiris Educational, her extensive experience of Ofsted inspections plus her dedication to undertaking self-directed CPD ensure that she maintains a sharp focus on key areas for improvement.
Particular areas of strength:

Teaching and Learning: Belinda’s knowledge and expertise in delivering the primary curriculum, along with her ability to diagnose and clearly articulate key areas of focus are a strength. She is adept at delivering training - her recent and varied experience in schools allowing her to respond to the needs of delegates and relate to the content of the materials. Feedback regarding Belinda’s work is always extremely positive. Feedback is often given in particular for the clarity and engaging nature of the CPD she delivers. Her commitment to promoting the positive impact of developing metacognitive strategies means she is at the forefront of the most recent research into improving pupil outcomes.
School Improvement: She has significant experience of working with schools to identify their key areas of focus and is skilled in supporting staff to deliver improvements by helping them to develop robust strategic planning, monitoring and CPD. Her ability to form professional relationships and quickly secure relational trust from the people she works with is a strength.

Courses Run By This Consultant

Course Venue Scheduled Date
SML10 Deep dives in foundation subjects - DT ONLINE LIVE, Microsoft Teams, 17/05/2024
£90.00 per delegate
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SML08 Deep dives in foundation subjects - History ONLINE LIVE, Microsoft Teams, 20/05/2024
£90.00 per delegate
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SML09 Deep dives in foundation subjects - Geography ONLINE LIVE, Microsoft Teams, 10/06/2024
£90.00 per delegate
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SML12 Deep dives in foundation subjects - Art & Design ONLINE LIVE, Microsoft Teams, 14/06/2024
£90.00 per delegate
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SML15 Deep dives in foundation subjects - RE ONLINE LIVE, Microsoft Teams, 14/06/2024
£90.00 per delegate
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SML06 A Deep Dive into Maths ONLINE LIVE, Microsoft Teams, 17/06/2024
£90.00 per delegate
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SML11 Deep dives in foundation subjects - PE ONLINE LIVE, Microsoft Teams, 24/06/2024
£90.00 per delegate
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EN01 Developing Fluent Reading and Comprehension Capabilities in Primary Pupils ONLINE LIVE, Microsoft Teams, 27/06/2024
£90.00 per delegate
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EN46 Improving reading across the curriculum (KS3 Secondary) ONLINE LIVE, Microsoft Teams, 27/06/2024
£90.00 per delegate
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TB03 Summer English Subject Leader Update Briefings Summer 2024 ONLINE LIVE, Microsoft Teams, 02/07/2024
£90.00 per delegate
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TB03 Summer English Subject Leader Update Briefings Summer 2024 ONLINE LIVE, Microsoft Teams, 02/07/2024
£90.00 per delegate
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ML11 Ensure your Subject Curriculum INTENT is high quality and will stand up to Inspection Scrutiny ONLINE LIVE, Microsoft Teams, 03/07/2024
£90.00 per delegate
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EN02 Improving Writing Stamina - Primary ONLINE LIVE, Microsoft Teams, 04/07/2024
£90.00 per delegate
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SML13 Deep dives in foundation subjects - Computing ONLINE LIVE, Microsoft Teams, 05/07/2024
£90.00 per delegate
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AD01 Assessment in Foundation Subjects - Being Inspection Ready ONLINE LIVE, Microsoft Teams, 03/10/2024
£90.00 per delegate
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CLT05 Ensuring Progression in Vocabulary and Concepts in Foundation Subjects ONLINE LIVE, Microsoft Teams, 16/10/2024
£90.00 per delegate
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SL03 Monitoring & Evaluation for Maximum IMPACT – including a ‘Deep Dive’ Approach ONLINE LIVE, Microsoft Teams, 24/10/2024
£155.00 per delegate
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ML12 Using Effective Feedback to Close Gaps in Learning (Primary) ONLINE LIVE, Microsoft Teams, 04/11/2024
£90.00 per delegate
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SEC08 Using Effective Feedback to Close Gaps in Learning (Secondary) ONLINE LIVE, Microsoft Teams, 04/11/2024
£90.00 per delegate
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EN02 Improving Writing Stamina - Primary ONLINE LIVE, Microsoft Teams, 05/12/2024
£90.00 per delegate
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SML05 A Deep Dive into Reading & Phonics ONLINE LIVE, Microsoft Teams, 06/12/2024
£90.00 per delegate
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ML12 Using Effective Feedback to Close Gaps in Learning (Primary) ONLINE LIVE, Microsoft Teams, 17/01/2025
£90.00 per delegate
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EN01 Developing Fluent Reading and Comprehension Capabilities in Primary Pupils ONLINE LIVE, Microsoft Teams, 24/01/2025
£90.00 per delegate
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SEC03 Improving Reading Across the Curriculum (KS3) ONLINE LIVE, Microsoft Teams, 31/01/2025
£90.00 per delegate
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SL05 Monitoring and Evaluation: Learning Walks, Workbooks and the Pupil Voice ONLINE LIVE, Microsoft Teams, 06/02/2025
£155.00 per delegate
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